Tuesday, September 20

Finally, i realized.

the story begins,

bla bla bla bla.. bla.. bla.. bla..
she said, bla bla bla and smile.
then bla bla bla bla.. bla bla bla
and they asked, bla bla bla then pity me.
after that, bla bla bla bla..

and that is how im being used by.

congratulation, people. 
im glad for you :D yeayy!

ps: da nak abis sem lah kau nak perangai seha! enough la wei.
pss: wahai cik hati, kenape kau asyik nak terasa?
psss: small matter je lah. kan?
pssss: wish me luck for final exam. tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. mane cartoon? xkn frust smpi xbleh mlukis? hehe be strong anyway


Menaiplah dengan bersungguh-sungguh!